involved institutes

Involved Institutes

The following institutes are involved
involved institutes
Image: Jan-Peter Kasper
  • Institute for Physical Chemistry
    • Prof. Deckert
    • Prof. Dietzek
    • Prof. Gräfe
    • Prof. Popp
    • Prof. Turchanin
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  • Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
    • Prof. Westerhausen
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  • Institute for Organic Chemistry and Makromolecular Chemistry
    • Prof. Heinze
    • Prof. Schacher
    • Prof. Schubert
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  • Institute for Technical and Environmental Chemistry
    • Prof. Adelhelm
    • Prof. Balducci
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  • Otto Schott Institute of Materials Research
    • Prof. Brauer
    • Prof. Wondraczek
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